A HSE-compliant first aid box for treating up to 20 people. Supplied in a durable box, the kit also comes with a wall mounting bracket for convenient access.
Kit contains:
- First aid guidance leaflet
- Nine medium dressings (12 x 12cm)
- Three large dressings (18 x 18cm)
- Six triangular bandages
- Four eyepads
- 40 sterile plasters
- Ten individually-wrapped wipes
- Safety pins
- Two pairs of disposable gloves
Please note: Subject to supply availability, contents may vary slightly from advertised. Call or email for further guidance.
A HSE-compliant first aid kit for individual use, supplied in a transparent PU and nylon pouch. Ideal when working outdoors and on-the-go, where access to a full kit is not possible.
Dimensions of kit: 250 x 200mm
Kit contains:
- First aid guidance leaflet
- One large dressing (18 x 18cm)
- Two triangular bandages
- Six sterile plasters
- Safety pins
- Two individually-wrapped wipes
- One pair of disposable gloves
Please note: Subject to supply availability, contents may vary slightly from advertised. Call or email for further guidance.
A HSE-compliant orange first aid kit, compact for stowing in vehicles. Includes a range of contents for treating minor injuries both at home and abroad. Comes with bulk head bracket for convenient access.
Kit contains:
- First aid guidance leaflet
- One bandage
- Two triangular bandages
- One large sterile dressing
- Five sterile dressing pads
- Two finger stalls
- 20 assorted washproof plasters
- Six cleansing wipes
-Two pairs of gloves
- Safety pins
- Microporous tape
- One pair of scissors
Please note: Subject to supply availability, contents may vary slightly from advertised. Call or email for further guidance.
Stereopad sterile dressing has a perforated film surface which prevents the pad from sticking to the wound. The pad can be removed without damaging the healing wound.
AeroKit Premium Range provides a comprehensive selection of first aid kits supplied in aesthetically superior cases featuring internal dividers for maximum organisation. Burns kits in red cases and catering kits in blues cases are included in this section facilitating a complete first aid provision covering all risks in your workplace. All kits are supplied with a wall hanging bracket, tabs for security seals and are filled with quality Aero brand components ensuring the highest level of care for your personnel in time of emergency.
Kit contains
• 1 Vinyl adhesive wall sign ` Burns Kit located here`
• 1 5 x 15cm sterile burn dressing
• 1 10 x 10 cm sterile burn dressing
• 1 20 x 20 cm sterile burn dressing
• 3 3.5 sachets pain relieving gel
• 1 59ml bottle pain relieving gel
• 2 5 x 4cm stretch bandages
• 1 Pair scissors
• 6 Safety pins
• 2 Pairs of Gloves